Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 3:

Finally got a proxy server!
After some long airplane rides we finally made it with all of our luggage and girls intact. There are 5 girls in our apartment, 2 in the one across, and 6 more downstairs.

The first thing that hits you is the humidity. Coming from AZ I figured I would be fine with the heat, but humidity is a whole different battle. After approximately 3.2 seconds of walking outside you are drenched in sweat, literally. Also our air conditioning went out last night in our room so we were sweaty monsters when we woke up. But other than that, I love China! 

We ate our first meal at Kayin school today. It was definitely not as good as the food at our school in Shiqi. (Our apartment is closest to kayin school so we eat dinner there so we dont have to take a bus to our school)
I actually really like the food so far, except for breakfast. We have rice and noodles for pretty much every meal. Not really my go-to breakfast food, but there is fruit to buy although it is a bit more expensive.

(Mom these pictures are for you since I know you want to see everything ;)

Our Beautiful bathroom , except you cant flush toilet paper :/
Our little washing machine.
Mine and Allisons Beds
Desk and Closet
Carmen, Camille, and Karina in our living room :)

1. Rain to cool everything off
2. New friends
3. The smoothie place by our apartment
4. Our native coordinators
(who keep us from getting lost and sent to chinese prison)
5. My soft as a rock bed 

I am so happy to be here, sometimes I wonder if I am crazy and what the heck I am doing here, but I love it! The people here are super friendly and nice to us, and are just really good people.

Zai Jian!