Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Finally made it back to the good ol' US of A late December 19th, longest day ever!! Sleep and luggage deprived, but luckily I gained the luggage back. The sleep...still trying to catch up on. 
Carmen, Allison and I said our goodbyes in the LA airport, shed a few tears, and headed to our plane to catch our flight to Phoenix. When we got up to the front the ticket taker told us that we weren't on the flight, and that our tickets weren't working. I had a little freak attack inside. I was getting on that plane. We were so close to home; only a one hour flight between me, my soft bed, and some mexican food, and we somehow didn't have working tickets?! Luckily he was very nice and let us on, I don't know what we would have done.
Being home is weird...I adapted much better than I thought I would. China really isn't that different of a world. I definitely miss it. I miss my kids, I miss the beautiful greenery outside our school, I miss the meals that our cook Michael would make us for lunch, I even miss the rice.. Just kidding, I hate rice. I would be fine with not eating it again.
I am definitely thankful for everything I have here though. My bed feels like a pile of clouds. I feel like I have never felt something so soft. I forgot that people have actual mattresses here in America. I'm also thankful for my family. They have been so supportive and loving, and my sisters even tried to clean up my room to hide the fact that they have been stealing all my clothes while I have been gone, actually Correction: Mom made them clean up my room :P
I am so thankful for the chance I had to go to China!

Zai Jian! 

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