Saturday, November 9, 2013

Monday 68: Vacation Plans??

Vacation in 2 days! Apparently there is yet another typhoon here in China, the 59thish one this year, (or something like that) which is kinda a bummer since we're going to Sanya. It's supposed to rain the whole time were there :-(  Both vacations we've been on had typhoons happening. The girls downstairs had to evacuate from Sanya and leave early because of the last one. Hopefully that doesn't happen to us, so far this typhoon is much smaller and is already weakening. I just hope that we get at least one day with some sunshine!
It was super nice and beautiful here though. It hasn't rained here in a while. I love rain!
Playing some little hand game with the Chinese teacher
In PE the kids play a game where they all hide under the tables and hide, everything they do is like preparing for the military. They have to army crawl, hide behind and under tables, jump and roll, and carry big sacks over their shoulders. 
Eli hiding in Ethan butt :P
Cody :) 

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