Saturday, November 9, 2013

Its the Weekend!! Days 65 & 66 November already!?!

Friday: How did it get to be November already! Time is going by so fast! We cleaned up the whole apartment for once, and it is a very nice feeling. We also had to clean up the Kindergarten which was pretty disastrous after the night before. Luckily it was a pretty easy day.

Saturday: Pizza Party!!
We played card games for quite a few hours on Saturday. I got up early and went running for a bit, and then Brooke came over and we made banana bread and garlic pasta. We haven't eaten at the school in a few weekends :P but we have more food from home, so why not use it?
Rex and Jessica, the film crew couple put together a video of all the vacations and interviews that they have taken so far so we could have a little movie night. They look pretty good, and are definitely going to be way better than the ILP website that is up right now. They also went and bought us Pizza Hut pizza and some soda for a pizza party at the school. It has been so long since I have had real pizza, we still didn't have pepperoni, so it wasn't the best, and honestly Little Caesars sounds amazing  right now. Pepperoni ended up being a lot more expensive than any other kind of pizza, so we just got some Veggie, Hawaiian and BBQ chicken, the Hawaiian was pretty good, but I actually liked the veggie the best; corn and pineapple on a pizza, who knew? The BBQ chicken definitely tasted Chinese though. It was a little funky. But it was free so I'm not complaining.
We played some games outside at the table, it was a perfect night, we even got some rain :) and after that we watched heavyweights! Such a good movie, haha I love it so much! Kyle had never seen it before either, so it was even better. Definitely a good night!
The hand game
Hayden and I tied for the winners

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