Friday, November 22, 2013

Sanya Day 3: Clouds and Crooks (73)

It was overcast for the majority of the day today, but still nice and warm, and the sun came out for a little while. We played lots more beach volleyball. 

Brooke and I went exploring for a bathroom and actually found a beautiful one in a little resort thing. We weren't really supposed to be there, but nobody was around so we just ran in and out together real quick. Brooke got caught a little later when she tried going back :P They were yelling at her, but she had to pee so bad that she just locked herself in, and then when she finally came out she was escorted by two Asian ladies who were waiting outside the bathroom door. 
Brooke and I really wanted some ice cream then too, (although to be honest, theres not really a time that I don't want ice cream), but everything is pretty expensive the closer you are to the beach so we just went on a walk around, and we found a brand new chocolate bar on the ground. It was just what we needed :P haha we were like kids on Christmas morning. We ended up going to Dicos to get some ice cream too, and then walked back to the beach. We stayed until the sunset and then went back and got some Muslim Noodles for dinner. That place is awesome.
We headed down to the beach a little later with everyone and dug a huge hole. We buried 8 of us together, so we were pretty squished in there. We definitely know how to attract a crowd though. There were so many people taking pictures and recording us. Some were even helping bury us too...luckily Brooke and James stayed out, in case they turned on us :P Unfortunately, they did. When we got out and were packing up, I realized that my bag was gone. Yes, I got robbed again. I have the best of luck here. Everyone else had their phones and bags sitting out too, but they only took my stuff again. My camera was in it, and that was the only real thing of worth, besides the keys to our hostel which I had to pay for, and my chapsticks. :( I was so close to finishing an entire stick ;P Luckily I had just downloaded all my pictures though, so I didn't lose those. At least now I can't take anything with me, and I don't really have anything left of value to get stolen, besides my passport, which I don't carry around with me.

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