Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 91: Chinese Wedding

Bonnie, one of my Chinese teachers told us she was having her wedding and invited Ali and I to go. She said that it was going to be a very traditional wedding, so I was excited to see it. We only stayed for about 45 minutes though. The school drove us there and they brought us food and we ate, and then we took a few pictures with Bonnie, and we left. I guess we weren't really going for the wedding, just the dinner, which was still really cool. When we first got there, it looked like a big circus tent with a red carpet down the middle. There were rows of dinner tables filling the entire room. The groom and his family would walk around to each table and we would stand up and have cheers, this happened at least 5 times while we were there. It was pretty fun. Everyone around us was super drunk, the only people that weren't were my Chinese coordinators and teachers, which would have been funny to see honestly. The food wasn't bad. There were a few good things there. They had pork and a cashew and pepper dish, and some pumpkin dumpling things at the end that were amazing. They also had the "specialty" of Zhongshan, which was some kind of oyster. It was actually not that bad, the flavor was good, but it was just extremely chewy which I didn't particularly like. It was a neat experience. We were the only white people there so everyone was staring at us, not that it is an unusual thing here, but we were like movie stars walking down the red carpet. Everyone was waving and snapping pictures of us :P Oh the Chinese.
Ali and I 
Bonnie in her pretty pink dress :)
The specialty of Zhongshan

We found a couple of our kids who were running around crazy like usual ;)

Some of the teachers from our school

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