Thursday, December 5, 2013

Days 82-87 Fabric District, Middle School, and Shopping

Sorry I have been sucking at posting lately. The internet has been soooo slow and annoying, and I have gotten lazy :P
We only have 28 days left in China! and 17 teaching days :( I am getting a little bit sad. I am definitely excited to go home and see my family! I am going to miss all of this though. The time here hasn't seemed so long now when I think about it.
We did some exploring around the city. Karina took us to the fabric market, after a bit of misdirection and aimless wandering. It was awesome though. I am definitely going to go back to get some fabric and other sewing things; it is dirt cheap. Maybe I'll just fill up my suitcases with fabric and buttons and things.
I believe that these are womens clothes...silly China and brooke :)
Hayden, Brooke, Carmen and I went to the middle school today to visit. One of the guys in our apartment complex works there, so he showed us around. It was fun to get to talk to older kids who could actually understand and hold a conversation with you, even if it was a little hard to understand. 
Lynn is in back in the white. He is the teacher who took us here.
Ash and I went to get peanut noodles for dinner when the bus didn't pick us up for parent teacher night. We also got some apple yogurt drink that was pretty good. I really like most of the juices here.  
Just practicing our chopstick skills :P
Random people having a fire on the sidewalk. I really want to do this on the roof and roast marshmallows or something. 

Friday we went to Walking Street and did some more souvenir and gift shopping. I definitely have more to do...but I at least got a few things crossed of my list. Souvenir and gift shopping is stressing me out! I don't know where or what to buy. You really can find just about anything here that you want, you just have to have the persistency to search it out.
Our Saturday morning sports day was crashed by some competiton the school was hosting. There were tons of kids from other schools there to fly planes and race boats. It was actually pretty interesting to see.  
Ended our day with a smoothie from our favorite place: Tawain Oolong Tea. The Mint Oreo Chocolate is one of the best.

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