Saturday, December 7, 2013

Days 94-95 Sleepover in Xiaolan!

We played some sports this morning. My favorite part of the week :) We played some soccer, frisbee, and football. After that Allison , Carmen, Brooke and I went over to the Xiaolan School. It was about an hour and a half away, but ended up taking a lot longer because of the traffic. We got stopped and the bus driver even got off the bus at one point. Kids were taking potty breaks out the front door. I even got to drive the bus ;)
We got to see the flower festival while we were there. We went to the park near their school, it was beautiful. We also climbed up to the pagoda to look out above the city, which was really neat. We were the last ones to be able to go up to the top, luckily they like us foreigners a little more than most people so they let me go up. They were trying to close it off :P 

Candice, Mindy, Me, Allison, Carmen, Brooke
We even got our pictures taken with these guys, and then saw them looking at it on the way back :P We were making some pretty crazy faces in some of them. Its a little game we play now, who can make the ugliest face in their pictures ;P
Our delicious fruit salad :)

Our treats and games of the night. 

We stayed up way too late talking and playing around, especially considering we had to wake up at 6:45 to leave on the bus to church. We only got about 2 hours of sleep :o 
The next day was Sunday so it was a bit more relaxing which was nice. We had church in the morning and then played some games. It was freezing cold all day long.

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