Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 12: Cupping

After school today we went to a really fancy hotel/ spa today and it was so nice. We went in this big bath house thing and some sauna rooms which were really relaxing. And then Allison and Holly and a few other girls decided to try cupping. This is where you light a cotton ball thing on fire and then stick it inside a jar to get hot, and then they place it on your back and it sucks all the skin up about 2 inches inside. It looks super freaky. Although I've heard it was pretty painful and I hurt just watching them get it done. They said it felt like a ton of pressure! I laugh every time I see them on her back  now because they just look so funny :P
(Allison's back  ;)
Some of Holly's spots :P
Nikki and I and a few other girls got head massages instead, and it was pretty nice. They massaged our shoulders, neck, and back too :) It was heavenly. We also got all the free fruit we wanted. They had dragonfruit, (which is delicious!), baby bananas, apples, cherry tomatoes, pineapple, watermelon, hammy melon (if thats how you spell it), pears, and starfruit, which is not so good and tastes like leaves.

The beautiful locker room and towels.
This was just a small fruit station by the pool

The little shower shoes we wore everywhere.
Allison, Holly, and Sarina waiting to go in, it took forever. We ate all their mints :P

We went swimming at Kaiyin at 9 too and played around, chicken fights and such. Hayden hit his head on the bottom after trying to dive in with his hands by his sides and got a cut on his head, its not very deep..but hes okay.
Overall it was a very relaxing day, for most of us at least.

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