Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 7: Its Raining its Pouring

Imagine little Chinese kids singing this to the tune of the nursery rhyme Frere Jacques:

Two little tigers
Two little tigers
Run and play
Run and play
One has no eye
One has no tail
That's really weird
That's really weird

I'm pretty positive that those aren't the words to the song, but that is what the Chinese sing...Whatever floats their boat I guess? :)

So I think I need to get an umbrella..It was pouring this morning again when we walked outside, and I had to share an umbrella with Carmen while running to the bus stop. Only half of me stayed dryish and my shoes and lesson plans were soaked :/ But the good thing is that the rain cools the air down sooo much! It always feels really good after it rains.

Today Karina watched/graded my lesson, and the kids were CRAZY! A few of them were talking in Chinese to each other and another was crawling under the table, and the Chinese teachers were nowhere to be found. I don't know what got into them today, probably the rain. Luckily they settled down towards the end.

Sorry these are super dark, hopefully you can kinda see them :P
Just making weird faces in the dark

Our beautiful supplies
A very excited Camille and Brittany on the bus.
These guys are Everywhere! I keep stepping on them...:/
Words of Wisdom.
Our school :)
The delicious food at our school.
This is a common sight here, people pile everything on bikes.
Brina, our native coordinator, Ali, and Courtney. And Anna in the back with her toilet paper 
Allison waiting for a ride in the rain.
Our cute little bond supply bags they gave to us today.
The bananas here are soo good! Every day we get fruit from the school to take home.
Some guys came to fix our air conditioner, and they told us it was fixed, but its still not :( Its very sad.
We did insanity again today! Its tough here because you sweat so much! And there is only air conditioning in the bedrooms :|
After that we ate dinner and we played an awesome game of soccer at the Kaiyin school. It was muddy and rainy and super fun. Everyone left with quite a few bruises, but luckily there were no major injuries :P
The guys drove us back to our apartments on the bikes they got, which was nice because we do a lot of walking back and forth. It would be really fun to get a bike, but I would be too scared; the Chinese are CRAZY drivers! They don't really follow a lot of traffic laws, and nothing is enforced either. Pedestrians definitely don't have the right of way.

I'm always the last one up to turn out all the lights, and probably the last one to get up, so I should probably go to sleep now.. Goodnight!

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