Friday, September 20, 2013

Yangshuo Vacation!!! Day 22: Bridge Jumping

Today was awesome! We rode bikes to a bridge and did some bridge jumping which was super fun. The bridge was about 35 feet and a little bit scary at first :P The Chinese loved it :P They were all cheering and taking pictures of us the whole time. They are hilarious.

Bike riding to the river. We were so sweaty! :/

The Foosball table at our hostel. The guy on the right is the person who runs the place. He is really nice and Loves to play with us. He is pretty dang good.

Books and Postcards

Our room.
This is James. And his fancy glasses he bought today.
Just sitting in our hostel.
Allison and her snail
The snails our hostel owner brought out for us. They had a really good seasoning on them, but I didn't really care for them. Not my favorite :/
On the roof of our hostel. (Kyle, Allison, Hayden, Noah, Brooke, Trent)
Doughnuts. Pretty much the greatest thing I have had here, and I dont even like doughnuts that much. It was soooo delicious. We decided we are going back tomorrow for another one.

Ice Cream Cones! We have been eating waay too much ice cream here :P
Kissing Fish!! They tickled so bad!
Best China Friends!
Pond hopping

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