Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day ELEVEN! Week End

We had 34 people in the apartment for church today, so it was pretty cramped. Luckily we don't have to take a bus for church each week. The other schools in Zhongshan have to ride here each Sunday morning on a train or bus. Although next week we are all going to Shenzhen to the actual building for the district conference. We are going to take a bus there and then have a luncheon after. 
Karina made us spaghetti for lunch and it was pretty good. I am not a big fan of spaghetti, but she also made us some pizza bread things too that were delicious. 
Allison and I went on a walk after lunch and ran into Zach and Trent who helped us find some cream cheese, so we are going to make oreo balls some time soon! I'm so excited! 
We watched Now You See Me with them and a few other people from the Kaiyin school, but it was a little messed up. They bought it from one of the movie stores here for about a buck, but it skipped to random scenes a couple times. For the most part it was good though.
We had dinner at Kaiyin, and it actually wasn't that bad. Either that, or the food is growing on me..Rice actually isn't that awful, but I still don't think I will ever love it. 
We played around on the workout/playground at the school, which I guess can count as my exercise for the day :P 
We also played some Catch Phrase and Spoons at our apartment which was really fun. I love games and pretty much any competition, and we definitely need to play more often.
This is Kyle, the head teacher for the Kaiyin group.
Karina deep in thought. 



The view from our apartment window. There are lots of little ponds around here, although they are not all that clean..but they are pretty.
The Chinese club we were going to go to Friday, but it is closed down :(

They supposedly fixed our air conditioning, but it's not actually cold.. 
The mosquitoes have been eating me lately :( I keep seeing them in my room, but I haven't killed any :( I need some bug spray, and a fly swatter.
We have school tomorrow. Its bitter sweet, because I love seeing my little Chinese kids, but I don't want to have to plan and teach lessons :/ Our culture classes start this week though, so I'm very happy about that. 
The next few weeks are going to be pretty crazy, because we have this week, then 3 days of school and a 4 day vacation, then a week of school and then our 10 day vacation to Beijing so we have lots of planning to do!  

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