Monday, September 23, 2013

Typhoon!! Day 25: Sunday

Well it looks like we are unfortunately going to have to stay here on our vacation longer...darn :/ Just kidding, I'm soo excited! We get to have two extra days of vacation. Our four day vacation has now turned into six and counting. The only sucky thing is that I'm spending more money than I wanted to. We have to rent the hostel for extra days, and keep cancelling our bus reservations, and buy all our food. It is a bit expensive here..
Typhoon Usagi is coming to southern China, which is where our apartments are at, in Zhongshan. It is supposed to hit pretty hard, and all of the transportation in and out of the city is shut down right now. It should be okay on Tuesday though.
Today was pretty relaxing. We had some oatmeal and bananas, and banana bread for breakfast, and then we walked around the city for a while.
Were trying to get cheap food to eat, so we hit up the street vendors most of the time, some of them are actually pretty good, and some of them are not good at all. We get these little scone things filled with pork that are only 5 yuan and they are delicious. They also fill them with cinnamon and sugar too and they are heavenly. I think that is what my meals are going to consist of for the next few days. That and some McDonalds ice cream cones :P
The beautiful sunset I got to see this morning :) 
The view from our rooftop.
The girl who works at the hostel saw Allisons hair and wanted us to french braid her hair too. She is super cute :)
Typical Chinese man 
James, Hayden, and Noah being themselves.
Trent fell asleep, which figures because he was watching Wall-E..

We played in a puzzle store for about an hour trying to solve all of the chinese puzzles. We ended up buying a Jenga game to play too. It has different things to do every time you pull out a block, and its super fun. We went down to the river again and just floated around and skipped rocks. It was a pretty relaxing day :)

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