Thursday, September 12, 2013


Swam some laps at 5:30 this morning! It was really nice; hopefully I can do it everyday, although I had to drag Allison down with me cuz I couldn't be alone. She just sat by the edge while I swam.
The beautiful pool this morning.
At school today it was Teachers Day! The kids are so cute and they all brought TONS of flowers and chocolate and cards :) They are so precious. 

We cleaned our apartment today! It is so much better! The bathrooms were really gross, there was just tons of dirt and hair everywhere :/ Plus we put all of our little flowers from Teacher Day everywhere and it is beautiful :)
Some of Allison's flowers
Cards from some of my kids :)
Allison skyping Dalyn
My adorable kids! :)
Bonnie, Me, Aiki, and Sarina!
All of the beautiful flowers the kids gave to me at school today :)
The school took us out to dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant and it was awesome. The place was so pretty and we were in our own little VIP room. The Chinese are so funny! All of the Chinese teachers and staff were there and they had drawings for prizes if you came up and introduced yourself and they sang some songs and danced when they came up :P 
Allison won a shopping card to One-Plus-One (basically our equivalent of Walmart) and I won some Windex..ha but we actually needed some so it wasn't that bad :P
The food was delicious, well most of it was. The ribs were the best things, we ate them up so fast. They had whole shrimps which just grossed me out, and a whole fish with the eyeball, but there was some good food too. We had watermelon for dessert. That's pretty much their extent of dessert here, fruit. Although they did have these nasty prune jello things, which don't really count..
Me Holly and Nikki at the Restaurant!
Ali, Courtney and Allison 
Fancy Chopstick holder.
Cute little picture from Aikis Polaroid Camera :)
Us and Aiki and Bonnie, the chinese teachers who help in my class :) They are awesome and super fun and cute.
Creepy little shrimp..
Delicous Pork
"dessert" nasty jello things...who knows what flavor
Me and some chinese chefs making dumplings
Nikki making a scary face on the bus.

This weird guy was staring at us so I told him to take a picture with Karina :) haha he was hilarious. (Tons of men walk around with their shirts up like this because it is so hot :P )
Ash and her cute hair.

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