Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 30: Crazy Train

We missed our train to Beijing :( It was super sad and stressful. We would have had almost an entire hour to spare, but we were told the wrong train station by our coordinator, so we ended up getting there 4 minutes too late. We couldn't find our train and would have had no idea until some girl told us we were in the wrong place. We were running like maniacs through the train station and metro to try and make it on time; everyone probably thought we were crazy. At one point all 12 of us were sprinting up the stairs with our luggage, half laughing, half crying and I only wish I could have had it on video because it would have been hilarious. 
Fortunately when we made it back to the right train station we met some girls who spoke very good English and they helped us translate and get us new tickets on the next train to Beijing. This is the national holiday right now too, so pretty much everything is sold out. We finally got some Standing tickets for Sunday, which will probably be some of the worst 20 hours of my life, but at least were going to Beijing! Hayden and Brooke told us that the train was nasty, and that we should go find cardboard in the streets to lay on because it will probably be cleaner than the train :( I'm just gonna grab some plastic bags or ponchos and try taking some sleeping pills and pray that I can sleep through most of it. Hopefully it won't be as bad as they say...  
After we had some KFC and a sad ice cream party, we stopped at a fancy five star hotel to get some wifi and contact Karina and Brina. They weren't really much help, but we at least let them know what was going on. We looked up some hostels and they were all farther away then we wanted to be from the train station, and they were pretty expensive for hostels. We found a hotel across the street that would be just as cheap, if we split it between us all. We ended up getting two rooms with six of us in each. There are two beds...so we will see how it all goes. 
For now it is time to get some rest, because everyone is pretty exhausted and a little bit snappy to be honest. Hopefully it will be better in the morning! 
Bring sad after we missed our train :'( 
trying to be not sad :-P 


  1. Melissa I am SOOOO happy that you post more often than my daughter, that way at least I get some sort of glimpse as to what she's up to! Please don't stop okay?! Also, that pic of the 3 of you warms my heart! I love it!!! :) Hope you guys are having fun and hanging in there.

  2. I don't do it nearly enough :P Internet here sucks, but we are having so much fun here, despite all the craziness. It is a blast! :) Love and miss you guys!
