Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 34 Tuesday: GREAT WALL!

Today was great, the best day so far, and also the longest. We went on a tour to the great wall and stopped at a bunch of little places along way. The first place we went to was a little tea shop. They showed us the different kinds of tea and how we are supposed to hold tea cups. For the ladies it is "pinkies out" of course. They had this little pee boy that was hilarious. They used it to test if the water was hot enough. 
Drinking our nasty tea :P
The group at the tea shop

We went to the Olympic Birds Nest after, and it was pouring. We were pretty much the only people there without umbrellas so we got completely soaked, but it was fun anyway. We didn't actually get to go inside then because we didn't have time.

We also stopped at a pearl store which was neat, but it was way expensive and they made us stay there too long. The last little place was a pottery workshop. I can't remember exactly what they were called, but they would glue copper designs all over the pottery and then fill it with 3 or 4 layers of colored powder and put it in a kiln to harden it. They were beautiful and really interesting. I really want to try and make one!
Lunch Time!

We found a turtle too :)
When we finally got to the Great Wall it had stopped raining and it was gorgeous. We took a cable car up to the top which was awesome. It was the perfect day. There weren't tons of people, and it was beautiful. Definitely the best part of my trip so far. We spent a couple hours walking around taking pictures, and climbing up into the towers. And then we took toboggans down to the bottom. They were super fun, and we were flying in them. We only had a few little bumps and crashes ;P

Me and Holly :)

Tobogganing down the Great Wall! It was soo much fun! I wish I could do it again. We got stuck behind some Chinese people that were really slow, so we would wait a while and then go super fast. Luckily we didnt crash into them, only each other :P

The last place we went to was the Acrobat show. It was really neat. The best part was the end. They put 5 motorcycles in this steel ball and were riding around. It was crazy and scary!

The motorcycle cage.

Balancing on wooden boards!

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