Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tuesday Day 55: Changes Changes Changes

Well the Chinese teachers like to change everything..They told us we are no longer doing a 10 minute dance, we are only doing 3 minutes, so we are just doing our group Time Warp dance. They have been changing so many things lately. Luckily we don't have to do our dance still, but it sucks that Karina and the other girls had to choreograph and cut music for it all, just to not do anything. They also changed all of our lesson plans for next Tuesday. A Board of Education is coming to watch us teach so everything has to be perfect. It's kinda annoying, but I guess if they want to plan lessons for us they can. They also told us what 3 songs we are going to be singing and what game to play before class. And they told us we aren't allowed to talk with each other when they are around because they have good English and will understand us...

On the brightside, we didn't have to teach any lessons today. It was Park Day and we went on an "excursion" as the Chinese teachers call it, or in our words: FIELD TRIP!! We walked across the street to this really nice park. We saw some fish swimming in a pond and the kids loved it. The rest of the time we just played games and ran around with the kids. It was a nice little break from teaching. It was a perfect day outside too, not too hot and sweaty. The humidity has dropped down to about 50% It feels like a different world. 

Getting ready for our field trip. The all have hats and a water bottle necklace :)
Leo and his little panda hat 

Eli's selfie

I went to the hair salon today with Allison, Karina and Camille. The place is called D-Works and all of the guys wear pink shirts ;) ha they are pretty good at what they do though. We got head, back, shoulder and hand massages, a hair wash, cut, and style for 8 american dollars. It felt so nice! 

My hair finally got done for once in China! It was insanely poofy, but it died down pretty quickly thanks to this fabulous humidity. 

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