Thursday, October 10, 2013

Train Ride Numero Cuatro: Days 39 & 40

Xian had the best lines I have ever seen. They were nice and orderly and went pretty quickly too. They were beautiful. Most of the time in China there is just a giant disorderly mob that pushes and shoves. Its a really good thing that I'm not claustrophobic here, because people touch you all the time. There is no bubble. Sometimes the Chinese confuse me. They are very pushy and will mow you over to get into the line or through a crowd, but when we are sitting on a train or bus they are very friendly and want you to sit down or take their seat. They really are nice people for the most part, but the pushing and shoving does get frustrating fast. 
This train ride was the longest one by far: 28 hours :( But it was actually the best one. (besides the 40 minute bullet train) We all sat next to each other and we watched quite a few movies on Allisons tablet. I watched four, so that helped the time go by much faster. Some of the girls left at around 5am to get some sleeper beds too, so we got to lay across all the seats. That was definitely nice. I actually got a little bit of real sleep then. I probably got around 6 hours of sleep total, which is actually really good, and probably better than the last few weeks average. We have been staying up super late on vacation.

Anna :)
Nikkis swollen ankles :(
 After 36 hours of combined traveling we finally made it back home around 6:30. We made a batch of our precious and delicious Macaroni and Cheese, threw a load of laundry in and crashed. It feels good to be back to our home :)

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