Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunday Day 60! Pianos and Harry Potter

Mckenna taught our Sunday school lesson for church today. It was about prophets and it was pretty good too. I love Sundays :) Its so nice to get a break from everything. Brooke hung out at our apartment for a little and we made some French Toast with the red bean bread the school gave us, (Red Bean is the nastiest thing, and they like to put it in EVERYTHING here! Dumplings, bread, soup, smoothies, you name it). We had to do something to make the bread bearable, and some Eggs and Powdered Sugar sure do the trick. We played some hymns on the piano at Kaiyin after that, but I got bored and walked around the school for a while. It is huge! There is so much that I haven't seen yet, and they have everything here. Have I even told you about the pianos? They have about 20 practice rooms two floors above the cafeteria. It is super nice, because we can all go up and have our own piano to play and I actually get to practice. They are never locked either so we can go up whenever we want. Luckily Zach brought a huge binder of music with him too, so he lets me steal it and I get to play some new songs. 

One of our favorite pastimes: Eating ice cream :)

Harry Potter time :P we watched the 5th and 6th movies tonight after dinner. We also did some back massages because we were all ridiculously sore from playing at the park on Saturday. I think it was just from playing ultimate Frisbee which is sad.

War has begun...
We found a bunch of balloons at the school, and the kids are not allowed to have them, so Allison and I took them and I filled one up over at their apartment. We were playing catch and as soon as I caught it James popped it with his key :( I guess I should have expected it...I made him give me a ride home on his scooter though because I was freezing cold, so at least one good thing came out of it all, ha but it really was fun tonight. 

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