Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 54: Monday: Angry Bob!

Today we got down to our bus stop and realized that Brittany and Anna weren't there, so we got in the bus and after 5 or 10 minutes Carmen ended up running up to their apartment to check on them. Bob, (our bus driver) waited about 20 minutes and then floored it with the door still open. He was pretty angry. These buses will beep if you go over 80km/hr and it was pretty much beeping the entire ride. We think he must have been a racecar driver in some other life.
My kids are adorable. I love them more every day!  :-)

Just Posin'
We were supposed to get picked up to go to the weekly "parent teacher conference" at 3:45, but we waited an hour and they never showed up so we just left. Brina ended up calling and told us we were supposed to be picked up an hour later, but she didn't let anyone know, so Bob had to wait for us again...he's gonna be ticked. They have been having some communication issues lately.

We practiced our dance for the Halloween party on Thursday. It's going to be Allison, Karina, and I. Karina has a lot of faith in us... I am not the best dancer, at all, but hopefully we can get better, it was only the first practice and we didn't use the music yet, so it can only go up from here. The saddest, yet most hilarious part was when we were trying to practice Allison's assisted aerial. Karina was spotting in front and Allison's first leg came down right on her head, which didn't really phase Karina, until Allison's second leg came around to her head too, and everyone just fell to the ground half laughing and crying. Luckily nobody got hurt.

We went to the store and picked up some more laundry detergent with James and Noah, and we got scooter rides, so that was even better. I actually was a bit chilly riding around. It's getting cooler here!! :)

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