Monday, October 28, 2013

Saturday Day 59: Park Day!

Woke up nice and early this morning, made some egg sandwiches for breakfast, got some snacks, made some PB banana sandwiches for lunch, and left for the park.
It was a perfect day and we had a blast! The park was beautiful, but my allergies started to get to me for a little while. I should have brought more allergy medicine :/
James awesome skateboarding skills 
John helping somebody get their kite out of the tree
Allison and Brooke :) and noah falling in back ;)
Noah and John. I don't know how they do it, as soon as I step on i start shaking like a leaf, and I fall right off :P 
Camille, Brooke, Allison, James, and Mckenna
Carmen, Sabri, and Brittany
Brooke, Trent, Hayden, me and Allison waiting for the bus.
Some random Chinese guy who played ultimate frisbee with us and then showed us how to do some tricks. He was pretty good. He kept forgetting whos team he was on during frisbee though, so we never knew who he was going to throw it to :P
Pyramid number 1
Pyramid number 2
We played some tangled and ninja :) Good thing we have been practicing our splits in kung-fu!

Pyramid number 3
All of the people who played and danced with us :)

They are so friendly here! As soon as we walked up, they made room for us in their circle and let us play with them. It was some kind of dare game, where the person who picked the lowest card had to do a dare. I was only playing for about 10 minutes and somehow I got the lowest card 3 times, out of about 40 other people too. What are the odds? I had to dance and sing and even act like a monkey for one...thanks to James for that :P I did get a few kisses on the cheek though, as soon as I walked up. They all want to kiss the Americans. I think Zach got a few also.
Teaching them the "tootie tah" This was hilarious! 
Sadly I didn't get any picture of the chinese girls, but apparently they were supermodels so they just decided to strut down the sidewalk for us..ha it was the weirdest thing. The boys decided they wanted to go next.
Wondering why there's have a random picture of a tree? Thats what I thought too, keep looking ;)
We had the whole bus pretty much to ourselves on the way home. It was a miracle. Usually we are crammed in like sardines. We went to Muslim noodles for dinner which is quite delicous. I don't know if that is actually the name of the place, but thats what we call it. Then we washed all our park grime off and watched Despicable Me 2 which is the best!  :) It was a good ending to our awesome day

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