Tuesday, October 8, 2013

More Beijing! Thursday day 36:

Trent, Zach, Allison and I woke up at 7 to go to the train station to try and switch tickets. They wanted to to go to Xian and we were going to stay in Beijing, but that ended up being the biggest waste of 3 hours. We waited in line forever at the station and they told us there was no way to switch unless we wanted to buy a 900 yuan bullet train ticket to Xian. Everything else is sold out because of the national holiday. Traveling right now is insane. 
We headed back to the hostel and then went to the Olympic Stadium. It was awesome and huge. I wish we could have been there to watch the Olympics, but we couldn't so we just reenacted our own :P
Olympic Birds Nest
The Llama temple

The delicious street food we got wandering around today
The rest of our day was spent packing, getting dinner and then heading to our train to Xian. The ride was much better than our first train experience. We talked for a few hours and then kinda fell asleep. It was still pretty miserable in the 95 degree angle seats. It is impossible to lean back, we just layed in awkward positions all over each other. Holly and I watched Ice Age 4 too, so it was a little better :)

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