Sunday, October 27, 2013

Thursday 57 HALFWAY THERE!

HALFWAY POINT! I cant't believe it has gone so fast already. We are at our exact halfway point. It calls for a celebration, good thing it was Zach's birthday too. We went and celebrated at Gina's Pizza. Allison, Alli and I split a Hawaiian pizza :) And kyle bought a cake that we all split. Afterwards we played games at Anna and Brittany's again. Signs is the best. I love playing any and all games!                    
We had to stay at school until 4:30 today to practice our dance for the Halloween Party. We had a whole rehearsal, and I must say that our dance turned out pretty awesome. The kids were laughing and cheering when we were done. They especially loved the pelvic thrusts in our Time Warp dance haha :P

Cooking class! Next week we are gonna ask Michael (our cook) if we can make something to teach him, like some chocolate chip or PB cookies. The food he makes is super good, but we need some sweets after lunch. Maybe we can do a trade off... :)
Courtney eating some pork/ Sarina creepin in the back.

Mmmm :) Green Beans never tasted so good before China.
Party on the bus! Sparky took us to McDonalds with everyone today, and they actually had ice cream!! It was great :) Sparky didn't even get ice cream though, he just gets these rice wrap things every time. He is a true asian, rice for every meal. But he played some American music for us and we jammed out to the spice girls the whole ride home, so he's still awesome.  


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