Friday, October 18, 2013

Days 47-50 "Vanilla Oreo Smoothies"

This week has been flying by it feels. We have finally gotten into a good schedule. Its been a little bit slower of a pace lately, but we still have lots of fun :)

We played some beer pong, with Kool-Aid of course. Hayden and I won first, and then Allison and Brooke. We need to have a tournament on Friday we decided.

James and Kyle

On Wednesday they turned on the cameras in the classrooms for the parents to watch us teach, so it was a bit intimidating. The kids definitely were not on their best behaviors either.

I have never tried papaya, but the kids had to eat it today for snacktime and the looks on their faces told me it was disgusting. It was actually pretty hilarious to watch them. The Chinese teachers had to stuff it in their mouths while the kids gagged.
We had calligraphy class for the first time. We were supposed to be doing painting class but they couldn't get a teacher :( The first part of the class was boring because
he just talked to us in Chinese for about half an hour, with Mary translating every once in a while. Luckily we got to try it ourselves by the end. It was pretty fun, and harder than I thought it was going to be.

This is our calligrapy teacher. Apparently he is famous, and his artwork is very expensive.
My skills :P
Carmen and I and our fabulous brush mustaches

The oreos one of my kids gave me today :) Made my day. Its the little things that count :P
Thursday was our cooking class. We made fried eggplant. Normally the things we make are delicious, but with eggplant, that is a rare occasion. Eggplant gets extremely soggy so it is just mush when you bite into it.

Cooking Class! 
This is how we wear our masks ;)
Fried Eggplant

The disgusting Red Bean Smoothie I got :( The menu said Vanilla Oreo, and it was most definitely not. Dumb English Translations.

Things I am Grateful for this week:

1. Lightbulbs

2. Sparky our handyman who fixes our lights, and also our personal school 
3. Games
4. General Conference
5. Laundry Machines, even if they have to be restarted 3 times a wash...
6. Our kitchen
7. Cool Weather
8. Books
9. Nail Polish Remover
10. CORRECT English Translations
11. VPNs
12. Sheets
13. My softish bed
14. Rooftops
15. Allison
16. Oolong Smoothies
17. My Adorable Kids!
18. Movie nights
19. Creamy Oat Bars :)
20. Weekends!!

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